Sesion 8

Web Desing School

User Experience Desing

They're four principles to Web Desing


  1. Typography
  2. Colour Theory
  3. User Interface Desing
  4. User Experience Desing

User Experience

Some points you have to consider for a greit UX

  1. Keep it simplicity, it's alwayas better than the complex
  2. Keep the consistency, it's a refer to the funtionality, keep it, with the pc, mobiles or tablets, etc. An example of this is your nabvar, it's always the same nabvar throught all ur page?
  3. Keep it simplicity, it's alwayas better than the complex
  4. Taking acount the readign patterns, it's refere to the where the people read the things, end how the to do that, Two of the most commong paths are:
    • The "F" path, started at the top-left, ande the top-rigth, over the bottom-left, throught the left-side
    • The "Z" path, this is more for pages fro video content, or something you can visualize faster, it's started to the top-left to the top-right a line from the top-rihght to the bootom-left then to the bottom-rigth
  5. Think about all your all plataform desing, it's not enoguth to desing for your pc, you have to think about the mobil, tanblet, etc.
  6. Dont't use Your powers for evil, the psychology theory and our knowledge to trap the users. An example fo that is the things of the supermarket, for example the basic elements are positionated at the end of the supermarket, to reach thoose you have to see lots of innecesary things