Sesion 8

Web Desing School

User Interface Desing

They're four principles to Web Desing


  1. Typography
  2. Colour Theory
  3. User Interface Desing
  4. User Experience Desing

User Interface

The art of orienting people where you want to walk or see


(Then here)


Dear Jane, you are invited top
Jhon's 21st
Birthday Party
Come eat. drinks and be merry with
Jhon as he turns the big two-one!
Saturday, May 19th
7:00pm - 12:00pm
12 Street Road.
Suburb Town
RSVP by May 5th

Dear Jane, you are invited top
Jhon's 21st
Birthday Party
Come eat. drinks and be merry with
Jhon as he turns the big two-one!
Saturday, May 19th
7:00pm - 12:00pm
12 Street Road.
Suburb Town
RSVP by May 5th

Color Contrast


Keep control of your brand


Keep control of your brand

Color choice

Excelente choice

You can choice your method to pay

Excelent Choice

You can choice your method to pay

Layout Desing


About the text

Your text shouldn't cover a big part of the screen,
the example of the wrong wat to do that,
is Wikipedia.


Your text should start at the same side


Your text should start at the same side

Always thing about

  1. Aligment
  2. Font size
  3. Font length of character for each line
  4. Use grid lines
  5. White space

    Remember, the luxiries stores, set white space around their products, who the products are in the market place?

  6. Audience

White Space


 Where start?

¡Be careful!

It's ca make

The diference