Sesion 9


Naming and Naming variables

A variable should have a comprensible name, for that minimal have to complete the follow rules:

  1. A clear name, example: let userName;
  2. No have especial characters: let user-Name; (wrong)
  3. Can't contain spaces: let user Name; (wrong)
  4. Can't start with a number: let 1userName; (wrong)
  5. A varible should start with a letter: let city;
  6. JavaScript use CamelCase:
    1. let theUserCity;
    2. let TheUserCity; (wrong)
  7. The all valid characters are:
    1. Numbers [1, 2, 3, etc]
    2. Letters [a, b, ..., A, B, C... etc.]
    3. Underscore and dolar sing [_, $]

Concatenation and length

To Concateneid a string in JavaScript it's just necesary the simbol + example:

                    // Code of
                    function Concatenation(){
                        let name = prompt("Type your name");
                        let gretting = prompt("Type a gretting");

                        //To get the length of a word we just add 
                        // the keyword "length" at the endword, example name.length
                        alert(name + ": " + gretting + ', for you!'+
                            "\nname.length: " + name.length +
                            "\ngretting.length: " + gretting.length


Functions are list of instrucions packedn, they could be called when it's necesary; example:

The follow button have a funtion called "sayHello()"

                    // Code of

                    This is the function
                    //use the keyword function its mean we're going to create a funtion
                    function sayHello(){ //The next word is the function name sayHello
                        //After the name, it's follow the parethesis (params), after that the brackets {Your code will be here }
                        //Params, are data for the function, but for this function any parameter has been requerid
                        //Insade you can write all the instructions or code you want
                        //Here i created an alert where say "Hello!"

                    <button type="button" onclick="sayHello()">I'm a button with a function without params</button>
                    To call a funtion we just have to write the funtion name as in the button is
<script> function sayHello2(gretting){ alert("Hello " + gretting + "!"); //Here the function requered a param gretting //The param "gretting" it's used in the gretting }; </script> To call this funtion it's necesary add the data for parameter, it's mean the argument, in this case the argument for the parameter was Rychy <button type="button" onclick="sayHello2('Rychy')">I'm a button with a function with a param</button> //You can create a funtion, with optional arguments, it's mean, with parameters who can get no argument
<script> //Here the parameters a and b have a predeterminated argument, are 4 and 5 function sum(a=4,b=5){ return a + b; } function SumToNums(){ let a = Number(prompt("Give me a number")); let b = Number(prompt("Give me a number")); //At this point, we call the function sum() without args and the result is 9 alert("Calling the function 'sum' without arguments, result: "+sum()); //Here we calling the function sum() with the collect args and the result isn't 9 alert("The sum function with arguments, a="+a+" + a="+b+" is: "+sum(a + b)); } </script> The button who call the function responsable to do the sum <button type="button" onclick="sumToNums()">Sum to Numbers<button>


Slice is a funtion to cut strings

                    // Code of
                    function sliceF(){
                        let name = prompt("Type your name: (With min 5 characters) ");
                        if (name.length < 5){
                            name = name + "-ADDING"

                        alert("Hello " + name + "!\n"+
                            "\nname.slice(0,1): " + name.slice(0,1) +
                            "\nname.slice(4,5): " + name.slice(4,5) +
                            "\nname.slice(1,5): " + name.slice(4,5)

                            prompt("Type a long text here: ").slice(1,140)

Increment and decrement

In js, instance of make an manual increment, it's offer a short method to that, as it's come:

    //Manual way to make an increment or decrement
    let a = 1;
    a = a + 1; //Increment a = 2
    a = a - 1; //Decrement a = 1
    let b = 3;
    A at hits point is = 1
    a = a + b; //Sum      a = 4
    a = a - b; //rest     a = -2
    a = a * b; //multiply a = 3
    a = a / b; //divition a = 0.33
    //Shortest way to make an increment or decrement
    let a = 1;
    a++; // Increment  a = 2
    a--; // Decrement a = 1

    let b = 3;
    A at hits point is = 1
    a += b; //Sum      a = 4
    a -= b; //rest     a = -2
    a *= b; //multiply a = 3
    a /= b; //divition a = 0.33