Sesion 11
The Document Object Model

Adding JS to the web

Adding from the onload on the body tag

We can add JavaScript in the body with onload, we'll write our code into the double quotes, but the onload don't suport functions or advanced js, like the next example:

<body onload="alert('Hello from the body onload!')">

//On load means, wherever the js is, it's called

Adding from the script tag

You can add js, insade the html, just adding the tag "script", and inside him all your wantend code


//Here you can add your code like this

function hiScript() { alert("Hello from the script tag!"); };


Adding from an external js file

You can add js, from an external js file, white the script tag, but, adding some atributes.
JUST ONE BEST PRACTICE, the js are adding at the bottom of the body, cause on that don't will be crashed with the inexisting html tags or css, on that place, the js will be played until all the html struture is loaded, and it will give an fast aparience

<scrip src="./static/js/index.js" charset="utf-8" ></scrip>